Example Post
Table of contents
Make multiple columns
The normal setup is out of 12 columns, so 3 would be a quarter of the page width
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-3">
<img src="img/posts/default.png"/>
<div class="column is-3">
<img src="img/posts/default.png"/>

Add a youtube video
{% include youtube.html video="VTlV0Y5yAww" text="HELLO" %}
Add a vimeo video
{% include vimeo.html video="31158841" text="HELLO" %}
Add a Google drive video
Try to avoid doing this because of permission problems and ugly thumbnails
{% include google-drive.html video="0B2LF_3WEQeImX0oxalpjTnBVTEE/preview?resourceKey=0-CgPlZ4jTVf1vthLvboofTA" %}
Make a table
| Table | Column 1 | Column 2 |
| :--- | :----: | ---: |
| Here | is a | table |
| with | aligned | columns |
Table | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Here | is a | table |
with | aligned | columns |
Link to a part of a page
#### Test link
[Jump to test link]({{page.url | relative_url}}#test-link)
Test link
Link to another post
[One way]({% link _posts/0325-05-23-example_post.md %})
[Another way]({% post_url 0325-05-23-example_post %})